PyTorch for Apple Silicon
PyTorch 1.12 includes GPU acceleration on Apple Silicon.
We will install it and verify it is using GPU acceleration. This blog post also serve as a documentation to reproduce a runtime environment for machine learning.
The test laptop:
- MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021).
- Apple M1 Pro
- 16 GB memory
- macOS Monterey 12.6.
Steps #
Install pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv.
Install python 3.9.13 in a virtual environment.
pyenv install 3.9.13
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.13 pytorch1.12.1-apple
- Install PyTorch 1.12.1
pyenv activate pytorch1.12.1-apple
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
- Verify the PyTorch install per its documentation.
import torch
x = torch.rand(5, 3)
The output should be something like:
tensor([[0.5031, 0.1897, 0.0958],
[0.2736, 0.8608, 0.6307],
[0.7279, 0.7578, 0.9858],
[0.3378, 0.8042, 0.6693],
[0.2946, 0.8163, 0.2774]])
- Verify that PyTorch can access the GPU.
import torch
import math
# this ensures that the current MacOS version is at least 12.3+
# this ensures that the current current PyTorch installation was built with MPS activated.
- Install an opinated MLops stack.
pip install \
jupyterlab \
matplotlib \
nltk \
opencv-python-headless \
pandas \
pytorch-lightning \
scikit-learn \
scikit-image \
seaborn \