A way to get over breaking up

Given the events, feeling sad is normal. It is a human experience. It is also an opportunity.
I’d use a distraction to occupy your attention: to understand the operating system (OS) of the mind. As it turns out, you will not be running away. You’ll learn that you become more aware, not less of what is happening.
I started with meditation. Perhaps because of my science training, it’s hard to digest the mystical topics of religion. Meditation is a less religious part of Buddhism.
I recommend the Introductory Course (10-20 minutes a day) in this app:
Sam Harris is the narrator. There are some explanations during the sessions that are very insightful. Even if you stop at the end of the free trial, it is still helpful.
For the long term, a completely free meditation app is:
After you are comfortable with daily meditations, try a silent one-day meditation retreat. There are places in the US, Japan, Taiwan and Thailand.
If you understand your mind better, you’ll know yourself better. Then you will have clearer thinking. We make all kinds of decisions every day. With clear thinking, you’ll make better decisions.
Cover photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash