Camera settings for using manual-focus lens for my Fujifilm X-T3
There are many mount adaptors available for the Fujifilm’s XF mount. One possible adaptor is for Leica M mount lens. This allows me to mount many great manual-focus M mount lens on my X-T3. Here are the camera settings for using manual-focus lens.
Film simulation on my Fujifilm X-T3 camera
Fuji X Weekly publishes film simulation settings for Fujifilm cameras. Here is a list of them for X-T3. Here is a second.
Camera settings for my Fujifilm X-T3
Perhaps I left the camera alone too long without a battery. The settings in the camera have reset. The settings were setup over time as I learned about and use the camera. As I setup the settings again, I thought I would take this opportunity to document them.
Changing GnuCash font size
GnuCash is a software that can track portfolio transactions and performance. There is a binary release for Apple macOS. On a retina display, the application has a very small font and is very hard to read. Fortunately, it is easy to change the font size via a css file 1.
Emergency fund with better returns yet safe
It is a common rule-of-thumb to keep 6 months of expenses in cash as emergency fund. Sometimes the recommedation is 3 or even 12 months. Is there a better way than parking that cash in the bank?
Contribution priority for retirement accounts
It’s a common sense to pay off the debt with the highest interest first. This also applies to retirement investment accounts.
Risk capacity
In a previous post, we talked about asset allocation for retirement. To design an asset allocation for a financial goal for an investor, we need to understand time horizon of the goal and risk capacity for the investor. We discussed time horizon previously. Using time horizon, we can arrive at asset allocations for different goals. In this post, we will talk about risk capacity for the investor.